Muzeum bez hranic


Discover Baroque Art is a project under preparation as part of the Museum With No Frontiers programme. It aims to serve as an introduction to a movement that had a profound influence on European culture. The art of the baroque, the last all-inclusive style, is intrinsic to the environment and culture of the majority of European countries.

A virtual museum is under design for the general public worldwide, scheduled to open in 2008. It will first function in English and in the mother tongue of the gallery's partner; in the future, it will include translations into other languages. Eight countries are currently participating in the project.
The Moravian Gallery, Brno represents the Czech Republic within the project. It will present highlights from its collections in the virtual museum, as well as a number of works from religious and other museums in Moravia and key baroque monuments in the region. The project sets out to introduce both the unity of European culture and differences within it in order facilitate understanding of them.
As well as mediating artworks and artefacts to the public, the project intends to contribute to collaboration between museums, specialist institutions, the lay public and administration authorities.
The project is associated with the Art and Civilisation in Baroque Moravia exhibition, subsidised from several grants particularly targeted on research and restoration.

Museum With No Frontiers is a non-profit organisation based in Brussels. Internet presentations, shows in galleries and museums and the tours linked with them are under preparation within the Museum With No Frontiers programme. The latest project to be completed under the aegis of Museum With No Frontiers is Discover Islamic Art

Watch this space for updated information on the baroque project, which was launched in 2005.


