Vytvořeno v souvislosti s výstavou Europa Jagellonica, Umění a kultura ve střední Evropě za vlády Jagellonců 1386–1572.
The Moravian Gallery in Brno joins the exhibition initiative Europa Jagellonica/Art and Culture in Central Europe under the Jagiellonian Rule 1386-1572 with an artistic realization by Filip Cenek, primarily concentrating on the problem of the reception of a work of art. Can an idea, an impression and the impact of an original work be communicated by a video recording; is perception conditioned by the physical presence of the work? The aim is to initiate a living dialogue between the viewer, a contemporary artist and a medieval work of art, to see late-medieval artistic output through today's perspective. By its nature the project replaces the Rendezvous, i.e. interventions in the permanent exhibitions.