As a fellow contemporary of Moscow conceptualism, Viktor Pivovarov, residing in the Czech Republic, is an artist whose work has confronted, since the 1980’s, the local environment with a school of thought which may be simultaneously familiar and quite contrary to internal expectations and intentions.
This slightly retrospective exhibition is based on painting and drawing series dedicated to imaginary characters and types that the artist creates or objectivises as projections of his own obsessions, wishes and traumas, characters whose pictorial life no longer belongs to their author, and which exist in their own world conjuring up an abundance of meanings and interpretations. The project related to a series of exhibitions dedicated by the Moravian Gallery in Brno to Czech artists (Eva Kmentová, Zorka Ságlová, Milan Knížák, František Skála, Jiří David) is also a polemic with the academic History of Czech Visual Art which turned a blind eye to Pivovarov's work as part of the local artistic discourse.