Escapes and Returns

Czechoslovak Photography and Surrealism

Surrealism as an important chapter in art and photography of the 1930's and 40's provided a strong inspirational impetus even for the following period in the history of photography. The methods it applied to exploring reality were given a novel form and content in the works of photographers from the generations to come. However, the works retained the nature of a comment on the current state of the world and a creative relationship towards the formal vocabulary of surrealism and its methodology. Image shifts and distortions as an escape and comment on reality are the general traits of a surrealistic approach. It also aims to point out that the main contribution by the theorists and artists who devoted themselves to Surrealism between the wars was the identification of certain psychic mechanisms and the discovery of actual ways of harnessing the mechanisms to heighten human imagination.


12/2/2010 - 23/5/2010
Jiří Pátek
Entrance fee
40/20 Kč
Museum of Applied Arts (Camera)
Date of exhibition opening
11/2/2010 18:00
