The Most Beautiful Czech Books of the Year 2007

Výstava Nejkrásnější české knihy roku 2007 prezentuje výsledky soutěže, která probíhá každoročně, a má nejen dlouhou tradici, ale i čím dál širší publicitu. Knihy do soutěže přihlašují sami nakladatelé a jejich počet sice pomalu, ale konstantně každým rokem vzrůstá. Letos se soutěže účastnilo celkem 109 vydavatelů s 217 knihami, z toho bylo 23 studentských prací.

The Most Beautiful Czech Books 2007 exhibition presents the outcome of an annually-held competition that has a long tradition and enjoys growing publicity. Books are entered by their publishers, more and more of whom have taken part every year: this year, 109 of them with 217 books (23 of which were designed by art students). The competition jury, consisting of specialists in the field of book and graphic design, was chaired by Mgr. Simona Vladíková, Director of the East Bohemia Gallery, Pardubice. The jury assessed 214 books of which 45 were short-listed. They are the very pinnacle of Czech book design. The first Prize of the Minister of Culture, then second and third prizes, were awarded in each of six categories. The best young designer in the seventh category was awarded the Arno Sáňka Prize. Further awards were made by professional associations. According to the organisation committee, the quality of the books assessed has improved markedly. The art jury noted after their session that the competition stimulates publishers to strive for a better quality. The competition has shown that publishers employ both established book designers and budding artists, whose standards in this year's competition were well above average and received due acknowledgement.



24/10/2008 - 22/2/2009
Hana Karkanová
Entrance fee

0 Kč

Governor’s Palace (Ambit)
Date of exhibition opening
23/10/2008 17:00
