Reproduction rights

Reproductions from the collections of the Moravian Gallery in Brno
Contact - reproductions for non-commercial (scholarly, specialist, study) and commercial purposes:
Pavla Obrovská
collections register
Moravská galerie v Brně
Husova 18, 662 26 Brno
tel.: 532 169 166

Photographic material
- digital photographs at a print quality of 300 DPI/A5, A4, A3 (higher-quality photographs can be supplied on special request)  
- the gallery reserves the right not to provide photographic material for exhibits if their condition does not allow handling or if the exhibits are on loan at exhibitions.

Orders - please give the following information in your written application:
- a list of collection items that you wish to reproduce (artist, title, inventory number; if you have a picture of the item, please enclose it)
- required quality of the digital photograph and size at which it is to be reproduced 
- basic data on the use of the reproductions (publication/project title, brief description of the project, author, publisher, languages, print run, date of publishing/project execution, estimated sale price)  
- contact person and address, e-mail address (telephone number), billing and delivery address (if they are different)

Delivery deadlines
- the processing of orders depends of the number of photographs required; the shortest deadline is 10 days after receipt of the order

Prices and payment
- the price of a reproduction depends on the manner of its target use (information on fees may be obtained from the contact address)  
- the fees will be charged against an invoice or in cash, according to agreement  
- fees for the provision of photographic material and agreement on the use of an artwork for  reproduction purposes may be, in some cases, partially or fully compensated by an appropriate amount of catalogues, specialist publications or other printed matter and digital storage media (this relates, in particular, to visual art projects); the printed matter and DSM must be sent to the gallery within three weeks of their origination  
- in some cases it is possible to offset fees by providing advertising space for the Moravian Gallery's exhibitions (this applies, for example, to periodicals)

Conditions for the reproduction of items from the collection
- The gallery will charge the applicant a fee for creating the reproduction and for its consent to use the artwork for reproduction purposes.
The applicant pledges to use the photographic material only for the purposes for which it was submitted, and will not provide it to a third party.  
- No cut-outs can be made from the reproduction area; the reproduced object must not be obscured by print or otherwise changed in any way without prior agreement. 
All reproductions of items from the collection must be as true to the original colours as possible. 
Any further use of photographic material (in re-issues, spin-offs, etc.) that is not stated in the original application is subject to further agreement. Such use is not covered by the original fee.
All artworks by living artists and artists who died less than 70 years ago are protected by copyright and cannot be used without the consent of the artist or his/her heirs. It is incumbent upon the applicant to obtain copyright agreement to reproduce any such artwork.
It is incumbent upon the applicant to accompany the reproduction with basic data on the exhibit (artist, title, dating, photographer) and to state that the work comes from the collections of the Moravian Gallery in Brno. 
It is incumbent upon the applicant/publisher to send the gallery a complete record of exhibition, in the form of a publication or digital storage medium as well as any secondary material (e.g. reproductions of billboards) for the gallery's records within three weeks of the project's execution.
